Criterion-IV - Infrastructure And Learning Resources


Sr. No.

ParticularsSupportive Document
4.1.2Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall(s) with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart classroom, LMS, video and sound systems etc. during the last completed academic year.4.1.2
4.2.3Institution has subscription for e-resources and has membership/ registration.4.2.3
4.2.4Average annual expenditure for purchase of books, journals, and e-resources during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).4.2.4
4.2.5Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students.4.2.5
4.2.6Efforts are made to make available National Policies and other documents on education in the library suitable to the three streams of teacher education.4.2.6
4.3.2Student – Computer ratio for last completed academic year.4.3.2
4.4.1Percentage expenditure incurred exclusively on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities.4.4.1