Criterion-VI- Governance, Leadership And Management


Sr. No.

ParticularsSupportive Document
6.2.3Implementation of e-governance are in the following areas of operation.6.2.3
6.3.2Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend seminars / conferences / workshops and towards membership fees of professional bodies during the last five years.6.3.2
6.3.3Number of professional development /administrative training programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the last five years.6.3.3
6.3.4Percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face to face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) viz, Orientation Programme and Refresher Course of the ASC/ HRDC/ Short Term Course and any other similar programmes.6.3.4
6.5.3Average number of quality initiatives taken by IQAC or any other mechanism for promoting quality culture during the last five years.6.5.3
6.5.4Institution engages in several quality initiatives.6.5.4