Criterion-I-Curricular Aspects


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1.1.1Institution has a regular in house practice of planning and/or reviewing, revising curriculum and adapting it to local context /situation.1.1.1 a1.1.1 b  
1.1.2At the institution level, the curriculum planning and adoption are a collaborative effort; Indicate the persons involved in the curriculum planning process during the last completed academic year.1.1.2 a1.1.2 b  
1.1.3While planning institutional curriculum, focus is kept on the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course Learning Outcomes(CLOs)1.1.3 a1.1.3 b1.1.3 c 
1.2.1Curriculum provides adequate choice of courses to students as optional / electives including pedagogy courses for which teachers are available1.2.1 a1.2.1 b1.2.1 c 
1.2.4Students are encouraged and facilitated to undergo self-study courses online/offline1.2.4 a   
1.2.5Number of students who have completed self-study course(s)1.2.5 a   
1.3.1Curriculum of the Institutions provides opportunities for the students to acquire and demonstrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes related to various learning areas1.3.1 a1.3.1 b1.3.1 c1.3.1 c
1.3.2Institution familiarizes students with the diversities in school system in India as well as in an international and comparative perspective.1.3.2 a1.3.2 b  
1.3.3Students derive professionally relevant understandings and consolidate these into professional acumen from the wide range of curricular experiences provided during Teacher Education Programme1.3.3 a1.3.3 b  
1.4.1Mechanism is in place for obtaining structured feedback on the curriculum – semester wise from various stakeholders. Structured feedback is obtained1.3.3 a1.3.3 b  
1.4.2Feedback collected from stakeholders is processed and action is taken; feedback process adopted by the institution1.3.3 a1.3.3 b1.3.3 b